#Mediaportal dreambox download update#
✓ Satellite Transponders Automatic Update for FastSatfinder
#Mediaportal dreambox download install#
To install the update, simply click the link below to start downloading it, then select Run, or, alternately, Save it to your hard drive somewhere convenient (like the Desktop) and double-click it after it is done downloading. For more details/download, refer to the respective chapters below. We are constantly updating Transponder lists for different satellite TV applications such as FastSatfinder, DVBViewer, Therefore, you are advised to update Transponder lists on a regular basis, especially before you scan for new channels or adjust your satellite dish using FastSatfinder. Like any other data, though, Transponder lists become obsolete as new satellites are launched and older ones are decommissioned or satellite providers can change transponder parameters from time to time.
The exact syntax may differ a bit depending on the satellite TV program you use. , frequency, symbol rate and other specific information for each satellite/transponder. Transponder lists is an ASCII text files that is organized in INI-file format and contains info about orbital position Usually, the lists of transponders are located in the folder named Transponders within the folder as your satellite TV application. Lists that contains satellite and transponder parameters. There are C-band, Ku-band and Ka-Band transponders. Every satellite has certain number of transponders onboard which are operating at different radio frequencies.
As of today there are more than 150 satellites in geostationary orbit around the globe that transmit digital satellite TV, Radio, Intenet.